Sabtu, 13 Desember 2014


Excerpted from the book "How to Be a Teacher Supermodel" by Iqbal N.Az. Publisher: Student Work Surabaya

Nurul Azhar Iqbal

Teacher while in class diibiratkan as a merchant who was selling his wares. Prospective buyers are students. Merchandise is its science. Like a merchant who will do anything to make your promotional merchandise sold, gurupun too. Teachers will do anything to make the its students interested in the material being taught.

Signs that the merchandise is sold out teachers can be seen from the results of the final review are usually placed at the end of the subjects. In this review process, the teacher will usually be asked again about the material that has been submitted and ensure that all material has been delivered and understood students.

When in the review process of all students can answer questions perfectly, then it implies that it has been demonstrated that the teacher has been successfully trading, and merchandise that knowledge has been sold. But if there are some or even most of the students there who do not understand the material presented, eat it indirectly has shown that teachers were less successful in the trade.

And if this is the case, he should do is re-evaluating berdagangnya way, namely by menyakan many things on her own. Pertanyaanan commonly proposed in this process of self intorpeksi usually dwell on four things, ie is whether the prospective buyers had enough money to buy merchandise or not, or in other words whether the price of the merchandise is too expensive or not, the second is whether the merchandise has been packaged in an attractive container or not, the third if the merchandise has been varied or monotonous, and the latter is whether the quality of merchandise is enough or not.

The first question about the ability of buyers mentioned above is actually meant to ask whether the ability of students to teachers is sufficient to capture the contents of the material or not. What is meant by high prices here is the material that is taught is too complicated or too high for its students or not. Problems encountered on berhubngan difficulties with comprehension of students to these subjects usually occurs in schools that are in the area, or private schools with minimal facilities. Many teachers are too high hopes that their students will be able to absorb all the material, when the input is not too good school, meaning that students who enter the school learning ability is still far below the standard, if teachers encounter such a problem, then the teacher can do is adapt to existing conditions. Adjustment is a lot of way, the first teachers can lose Standard Competencies to be achieved so that children become more easily grasp the lesson because of the difficulty of the material decreases, but this method is not recommended. The second is to continue to use the Standard of Competence normal but the number of face-to-face plus. Increasing the number of face-to-face is done to address students who are slow learner, by repeating again the material in the form of remedial teaching or by extending the exercise. The third teacher continued to teach as usual, but the material that is taught must be submitted se-smart and simple as possible so that students who have learning problems is able to remember the material quickly. The third way is what made the toughest teacher because the teacher must be able to plan learning activities as effectively as possible. Teachers daiharuskan also be inventors probling solving ideas related to the subjects students

Packaging merchandise is on the second question here is the packaging material presented, whether the way he delivered the material has been able to make its students keen to listen, how often he threw the opportunity for students to ask questions and discuss, how often he throws fresh joke-joke but educate, When shortcomings located here, then the teacher is required to provide records and find a solution. Solutions are found usually in the form of a teaching method is simple but easy to remember. This method if dipatentan and sold then the price will be invaluable.

Which is a variation of merchandise in question to three are variations of the material presented. This means that a teacher must be good at providing variation in the classroom. This variation can be done by changing the learning environment of students in class every week, or every day or every given time duration, all of which depend on the teacher educators. Examples of this variation is determining how long the material was delivered, whether delivered in a face-to-face, or did twice, whether delivered in lectures or group work models, and whether the order of tables, chairs in the classroom in a fox or not. Good teachers are always aware of this, so when he goes into the class, the student will not be easy to guess what will they do at every meeting because the teacher always brings surprises in the form of different learning activities.

Being the core of the last question is the teacher must be able to check the material that was presented to the students. Is the material according to curriculum, if there are no misconceptions when the material was delivered, and whether the quality of the material presented to the same level of quality of the material presented in another school. Things like this can not possibly be done by a teacher who only teaches origin only. Kelegawaan need to realize that the task of the teacher is not only deliver, but also must be able to account for what has been conveyed.

As traders who have a need for wholesale merchandise when discharged, a gurupun prosecuted the case. A trader would not be possible to sell if there are no items to be sold. When out of stock merchandise, the merchant will wholesale to distributors or to the grocery store. Only after the wholesale merchant, he will be able to sell again. Similarly, a teacher. He will not be able to teach well if he just rely on knowledge received from S1nya lecture course. Though times have changed. Students today's more powerful and advanced than students antiquity. If teachers rely solely on the knowledge that he can be in college, he would be overtaken students. To overcome this, the teacher must wholesale new science. This can be done with the wholesale purchase of new books to read to completion. It is very well done to determine the development of the sciences related to the field. He also can participate in various activities that have the goal to improve the competency of teachers such as seminars and workshops. Discussion of the peers, with senior colleagues or with expert knowledge greatly assist this process wholesale. How to wholesale the science of the last and most effective way to go to college to a higher level again.

In general, there are three provisions that must have to be able to be a good teacher. These three things when a person who intends to become a teacher will deliver these people get success in the teaching process. Three provisions in question here are: (1) sufficient competence (2) sufficient creativity so that the teacher teaching styles vary, and (3) has the candor and pray for the success of the students.

A teacher does not need someone intelligent, brilliant, and able to master the subtleties of their knowledge to detail. To become a teacher of English one does not need to know all the vocabulary that is in the Oxford dictionary, or also parts per page in the book grammarnya Betty S. Azar. Similarly biology teacher. He did not have to know all the Latin names of plants in the world. Suppose there are people who can do this, this is a value that must be grateful. But in general, be a teacher does not need anything too amazing as it has been mentioned. Terms are easy enough. He must have sufficient competence relating to scientific and related to education. If one has to understand the core darikeilmuannya and able to apply the scientific core to solve a lot of problems related scientific premises, then even this is enough. Moreover, also the person also understand the basics of education, which is about teaching tools such as curriculum, slabus and teaching plans, or about learning methods such as CTL, Cooperative Learning to Quantum, then all was very supportive.

A teacher must also have high creativity soul, because the soul of creativity here will encourage him to find a variety of new learning model suitable to be applied in its class. From this soul he will be able to find a wide range of problem solving related problems when the students are in class, at school, or out of school. This creativity will enable teachers to find good ways to teach, how to open an elegant class, how to create and perform a practical assessment, by providing task beautiful but not burdensome, how to lead a discussion in class and made the children actively express their ideas, how to give reinforcemen in children, how to give punishment wise and much more. A teacher's creativity will make him into a visible difference between the other teachers, and this is what will make the students always longed to meet with subjects

The last of the provision that a teacher should possess is candor. This is a rare candor teachers have today. When the understanding of capitalism sells, and education affected. Likewise teachers. Many souls teachers begin to understand this so that affected their intention to teach become insincere. Many of them find what they are told it is not commensurate with the salary they receive, so consequently when they are in their class not allout. Sometimes they deliver the materials but not completely. The aim is that some of this material can they convey in les. By providing tutoring, they can be extra income. This paradigm shift is clear troubling. With this change, the quality of learning is reduced. Spirit and motivation class also weakened. And this is all because the teachers forget a very important aspect of their lives that aspect sincere. If the sincere teachers teach, then this will give you a spirit of sincerity that without limits on teachers to strive to make their students understand the material presented. The spirit of sincerity will be able to melt the heart and soul of their hard protégé. Especially when coupled with the willingness of teachers to pray for their students to succeed, then this spiritual aspect falsifies excess teachers. Teachers will look radiant and authoritative.

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