Minggu, 14 Desember 2014

Direct Learning Model

Direct instructional model, known as direct instruction is a teaching model that focuses on mastery of concepts and also change the behavior of a deductive approach. Here the role of the teacher is very important as a transmitter of information, so it should be a teacher utilizing existing facilities such as tape recorders, films, demonstrations, images and so on. The information presented can be procedural in nature knowledge and declarative knowledge. Despite this drawback, namely learning model like this can not be used at all times and can not be applied in all learning objectives.

In syntax direct instructional model, terapat seven steps where at each step there are stages in the delivery of material. For more details, refer to the following:

• Delivering orientation lessons and learning objectives to students.
So at this stage of the teachers convey some things that must be learned and also the expected performance of learners.

• To review the knowledge and skills of pre-requisites.
Here, the teacher will ask questions to determine the skills and knowledge already mastered students.

• Delivering the subject matter.
In this stage the teacher will deliver material and information

and provide a variety of examples and so on.

• Implement guidance.
So this guidance is done by asking questions aimed at assessing the level of understanding of the students and try to correct the misconceptions that exist.

• Provide opportunities for students to continue practicing.
Here, teachers provide opportunities for students to continue to practice skills and use new information in groups or individually.

• Assess the performance of each student and give him feedback.
In this stage a teacher will give a review of all the things that have been done of students, then the teacher will provide feedback on student responses correctly.

• Provide independent practice.
So teachers can assign tasks independently to the students in order to improve the understanding of the material that has been submitted.

In addition, this direct learning model can basically and very suitable to be applied if it finds that the situation allows among others the following:

When teachers want to try to introduce new areas of learning.
When teachers want to try to teach skills to students or teaching procedures have a clear structure.
When the students have difficulties can be overcome with a structured description.
When teachers want to convey a particular technique before the students conduct practice.
When the teacher wants the students interested in a topic.

  So direct instructional model deserves applied when it found a number of conditions such as those described, so that the learning process and the delivery of materials to the students also can be more effective.

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