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Senin, 15 Desember 2014

Character Education Children

Character is ethics-related behavior and attitudes. Articles character education becomes very important in order to give sense to the children and parents. The process of development of character education should start early so that children can have a strong foundation of what should be done and what should not be done. Character education on effective child when the child is 5-11 years old. This period became the golden age for a child to develop his personal character. Therefore, parents and teachers should take advantage of this time to instill good characters in children.
Pillars of Character Education and Children's Pages

The pillars of character education of children is based on ethical values, namely that everyone could agree on a value system that does not contain elements of political, cultural bias, as well as religious. Articles Some things that can be done to help students recognize educational article

characters at once understand about the pillars of character education can be done in the following way.

Character education article, the first of confidence (trustworthiness). This value can be instilled in children by familiarizing behave honestly, should not be cheating, plagiarizing or stealing. Character education placement agent must be able to teach students to be reliable, that do what they say, have the mental to do the right thing, and to build a good reputation and obedient. This value must be instilled confidence in yourself, family, friends, and nations. The second is respect (respect). Children should be taught how to be tolerant of differences, always pay attention to manners, consider the feelings of others, and respect each other.

Next is a responsibility. Children must be equipped with a high sense of responsibility, namely the master control yourself, think before acting, consider the consequences of his actions, as well as the brave bear any result that has been done. Furthermore, children should be instilled a sense of caring for others, able to be fair, and has a love for the homeland are very high. Articles character education should reveal some important things is to attempt to forge a child's character.

Basic Feature Character Education Children

Character education is a system used to instill character values on learners. Character education of children should be provided with both the parents and teachers so that morality can be formed with a good child. Character education is best given when the child is at the age of 5 years up to eleven years. Characters in children's education is a very important asset for the child to determine his character later on.
Character Education Children

In more details, character education of children is a system that seeks to instill values, character, by the school community whose components include the knowledge, awareness, willingness, and actions to perform these values. Character education is best given by influencing students indirectly by giving examples of good behavior to students. This is because the character of the child's education can not be done by force. Children must learn

own to understand a person's character through the influence of the elements given by the teacher.

Four basic characteristics of the character education of children raised by FW Foerster, A figure originator of character education in Germany, is as follows. First, character education focuses on actions which are based on the normative values. Learners are encouraged to understand and respect the existing norms, and based on the norms themselves, learners must also be able to build courage and confidence so that learners can develop into personal resolute, and not easily swayed by circumstances . Learners are also expected to be responsible for all the risks that he had done.

The next basic characteristic is the existence of autonomy, that learners understand, appreciate, as well as practice the norm from the outside to be a personal value. Thus, students can learn independently in taking important decisions on his own. Next is about the constancy and fidelity. This constancy is the durability of learners in order to realize what he thinks is right. While loyalty is the foundation of respect for all the commitments that have been. Children should practice the character education traits expressed by this

Values Available In Character Education In Schools

The values of character education in the school environment has been created by the Department of Education or the Department of Education that there should be in the school environment. Department of Education since 2011 stipulates that every school must implement character education to learners in the educational process. The value contained in the character education has an important role in the development and character of students. The presence of inserts values of character education in the school environment during the learning process affects the behavior of learners.
Some Values That Created Character Education Department of Education

The first value that is created Department of Education and must exist in the environment is a religious school, this value is the attitudes and behaviors that adhere to the teachings of their religion, honor and respect the practice of religion to another, and have the attitude to want berhidup in harmony with other faiths. Then the values of the second character education is an honest attitude and behavior based on an attempt to make himself as a person who is always what it is and can be trusted by others.

Besides these two values in the character education, there are still some other value, such an attitude of tolerance and respect in the context of the action difference in religion, opinions, ethnic, and other people of different actions with the actions taken by him. The values of the next character education is discipline, each person would have experienced education that teaches about discipline, but not everyone can be a discipline or an action that shows the orderly conduct and adherence to shared rules.

There has been a four kinds of values that exist in the educational character and made by the Ministry of Education, there are still two more values to be mentioned, namely creative and democratic. Creative is meant to have a mind or do something to make something new out of what has been owned. The values of character education in the form of creativity is indispensable for the development potential. Then democratic which is a way of thinking, acting, and being the judge that the rights and obligations of others equally with himself.

Concept Character Education on Students

Character education has now been put in place specifically for elementary school children. Character education is aimed to develop the personality of each student early on. The concept of character education as the love of his own God, sense of responsibility, then honestly, and many more traits instilled in students early. Character education has a lot of sense, but have similar goals.
Understanding of the concept of Character Education

According to Elkind and Sweet, character education is a way to make someone understand, understand, and act in accordance with the ethics and norms. When a little boy facing a problem, the child can determine what is right and what is wrong without the slightest pressure. According to T. Ramli, the concept of character education is essentially an education about the great value that comes from their own culture and aims to develop the personality of the child or student

students in the right direction so that the younger generation can be proud nation.

In accordance with the grand design belongs to the ministry of education and culture, the concept of character education will include various aspects of student learners in the future, such as the psychological aspects, socio, and cultural. The formation of characters on each student learner will develop all the functions within the students, such as cognitive or mindset, affective, psychomotor, and conative. In addition, character education students in the form of socio-cultural is how these students' attitudes when dealing with people who are in the family, playmates, neighbors, school environment and the environment in addition to the home and school.

So far the government wants the students or the next generation of people who will be good children or insane kamil. Therefore, the government, precisely ministries that focus on education and culture in Indonesia provide a new educational concept applied in every school, ranging from elementary school to college. The concept of character education which is the reference ministries to develop every aspect of which is owned by the students early. This concept will be taught by means of knowledge, then implementation, and over time will become a habit in students.

Learning to Write Letters for Kids

Start thinking to teach your toddler learn to write letters of course makes you a bit of confusion. Actually, at what age children should be introduced to learn to write letters. And by the way if you have to start to learn to introduce the letters in your child?

In under three years of age is still known as a term or toddler's golden age. That is the age of a golden age in which the ability of the brain development of children have a maximum and very easy to capture the information he can from the environment. Then it is advisable for parents to always pay attention to your neighborhood and being there and always provide supervision to the children do not get the bad influence of the environment

The reason is what makes many parents start teaching their children to learn to write letters and also learn about numbers. But there is also the opinion of learning to write letters and read less well to be introduced too early childhood is under the age of three years.

But there is no harm we begin to learn to introduce our children to learn to recognize letters and numbers, but of course with not force your child's abilities. Of course this letter introducing the study should be done in a fun way. Because most children love to play fun. Do not use to educate children who impose your will on a child

With fun learning delivery will make your child to understand the letters and numbers you teach.

Here are some ways to introduce and learn to write letters to the children.

First by using the finger game

You can use a finger game to teach your child learn to recognize letters are fun. Finger game is done by writing a letter mentioned above and your child's hands. And you can also citing a fruit or vegetable that using the initial letters of the letter that is being taught. For example, the letter A you also mention apples or other fruit.

The second way is to use cardboard paper taped to the wall.

Encourage your child learn to write letters to your mencontohkannya first. You can write dikarton are pinned to the wall. Despite the lack of good writing your child, you should still give a compliment that your child is getting the spirit to learn to write letters.

The third way is by using cards that read letters

This way you can do to make some pieces written card with the letters you are teaching. We recommend that you introduce it in an amount not too much. For example, you introduce the letters A through D in advance. You write the letter A in the cards as well as some other letter. Then you take random letters, such as the letter A. Then ask your child to collect the letters A to another. This would be so much fun for little ones and will be more easily understood.

That's three simple way and of course fun to learn to write letters to your child. Learn to be a good teacher and fun for your child. Never force your child's abilities.

The Sharpen Kids Learning Games Brain

Game is a tool that is used as the development of the child. This is what makes the game now made with children's learning games that are fun and build intelligence. This is what makes a lot of games finally launched the modification of child development which is very constructive. Nowadays, it is very important to think about it, because now it is unfortunate if the game is only considered as a fun activity alone, but can be fun learning in children. As a smart consumer and intelligent mother should know this as one of the things that need to be made mandatory agenda for the little guy.
Some Examples of Games Kids Learning Fun

Some examples that can be used as a children's learning game is a puzzle game that is growing and developing

creativity and intelligence. This game can be used as one of the examples that can be used to make children think but in a fun way. Puzzle here can vary from child's favorite images and also the most fun. Of course, it is can be used to make teratarik children learn and play.

In addition, other children's learning games that can be used is a game that is outbound which is returned to nature. Now it has a lot of services that make a game with a theme like that, because the makers of the game parks also have to think of the right way for the growth and development of the child. So, do not worry for you are having trouble finding, because it has many nuances outbound games that educate children with the natural feel of the moment.

So, how? It's easy is not it? To find a game that is beneficial for the child? It is not to make children become overwhelmed, but just the opposite. Children can begin to improve with early intelligence that is not too tired to be in formal lessons can. And now as parents who want it, you can find children's learning game that has many around you today.

Minggu, 14 Desember 2014

Competency Based Learning Design for Selected Interest

Competency-Based Learning - Community life today is very different from the lives of the people first. This is because today's various technological devices have enliven the life of an increasingly modern society as a result of the influence of globalization. This is when we associate with education in our country will certainly lead us to a problem concerning how the best way to implement this education in a way that is good and effective. It made us think long about the education in which one of them is thinking about learning design appropriate for the learners in this increasingly modern era. Competency-based learning design in this case to be one of the best, why? To get more information so it's good if you notice the following review carefully.

This competency-based learning design is a design study that emphasizes the development of skills

owned by each learner according to the standards that serve as competence. For this to happen there must be a minimum of four main factors that must be considered to obtain a competency-based learning design that either of them is to first determine the competencies that are appropriate for learners, explain in detail about the indicators to be achieved by the learners to be able to perform the necessary evaluations, to develop the instructional design according to the circumstances and conditions that occur in the field and the last is to conduct an overall assessment of the progress of learners when using this study design.

This competency-based learning design has many advantages if actually implemented properly at the time of delivery of educational materials to students. The first is the way education will be more focused on competencies what should be achieved by the students in accordance with the standards of competence appropriate predetermined. In addition to using learning design as this will maximize any potential possessed by the learners either an academic or a potential non-academic potential.

And so some of the reviews that I can explain, may benefit you.